
About Us

We are Driven by Innovation in Life Sciences…

The Life Sciences have always been driven forward by innovation, and the willingness to look at old problems, from new angles.  This reality has never been truer than it is today.  The focus of our industry is growing more and more precise and personal.  It is no longer satisfied with treating problems at the demographic or group level.  Today we are setting our sights at the individual, gene and cell level.  At that level of focus, the problems become more complex, and inevitably demand an even higher level of commitment, to uncover the solutions.  The industry is quickly turning from the paved roads of what we have always done and following the rocky path that leads us in a new direction.  It is this “path less traveled” that the mission, vision, and principles of Sandpiper Technical Solutions is devoted.

Much like the shoreline birds for which this company is named, our company embraces the border between the known and the unknown.  We are grounded in the cornerstone principles of engineering & service (integrity, fair dealing, tolerance, humility, inquisitiveness & respect).  We also draw our passion from the innovation & change that drive us toward progress.  It is this same balance, between timeless values & evolving technology, that Sandpiper will always seek to achieve, as we strive to provide our clients with exemplary services & innovative products that transform their automation challenges into solutions.   


Our Work Ethic & Cornerstone Principles